
Hello and welcome, my name is Cory and I have a Bachelors of Arts in Underwater Archaeology and an Underwater Resource Management Certificate and I am a PADI IDC Staff Instructor.

As a student my primary emphasis of study was archaeology, anthropology, resource management, and conservation.  I participated in several underwater research projects in the Florida Keys and Lake Michigan with the Indiana University
Underwater Science Program. My discipline of research was primarily focused toward the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary located in the southern most regions of Florida. During these studies I had the opportunity to work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA and Florida National Marine Sanctuary assessing underwater shipwrecks and coral reef systems and identification of a shipwreck named the Slobodna.
I am a PADI SCUBA Staff Instructor and owner of Indiana Scuba.  I am a PADI IDC Staff Scuba Instructor, Emergency First Responder Instructor and Specialty Instructor for the below dive specialties I provide instruction and dive certification and have been a certified diver for 3 decades and enjoy introducing divers to the underwater world.
Deep Instructor
Dry Suit InstructorDigital UW Photography InstructorEmergency Oxygen Provider Instructor
Boat InstructorWreck InstructorSearch & Recovery InstructorAware Coral Reef Conservation Instructor
​Night Instructor​Project Aware Instructor​Underwater Navigator InstructorPeak Performance Buoyancy Instructor
Enriched Air (EAN/Nitrox) InstructorSpiegel Grove InstructorCare for Children w/AED InstructorDriver Propulsion Vehicle Instructor
My college degrees afford me the opportunity as a SCUBA instructor to better
educate divers of the archaeological and cultural significance of sites underwater and on land. My passion is to pass along the stories and history of these sites to further promote knowledge to the next generation of divers. I strive to refine techniques to represent dives sites to the extent that any diver or non-diver would have sufficient understanding of the sites history and wreckage. Experience has shown that spending a few extra moments to better educate tourists to these sites allows for a more enriching experience and better informs us of how fragile our biological and cultural resources are.
Please enjoy the photos and short reports listed on the side menu.

"Down below, where dream and action move silently forward through the dense waters, side by side, man feels for a moment in tune with life" - Phillip Diole